VINE VALUES – Daily Life
Based on John 15 there are keys values that we hold to as a community for daily life.
We believe our union with Christ is foundational to daily living. Our desire is to abide in Him, to abide in His truth, to abide in His presence. We do this as individuals in our own time with Jesus, and we do this as a community during corporate worship and fellowship. We are branches of the same vine, and we find our unity in Him. As we abide in Jesus He is our nourishment and strength. Apart from Him, we can do nothing.
We believe that as we abide in Christ, the Holy Spirit does a transforming work in our hearts. We are on a faith journey from glory to glory and grace to grace. We believe that as we abide in Him we will experience growth and that as we grow there is a pruning process, a letting go of the things in our lives that don’t bear fruit.
We believe that as we abide we become one with Jesus and as such we become like Him. We believe that as we are pruned, and as we grow, we bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit. This fruit brings glory to God as people are able to taste and see His goodness in and through us – both people in our community and on the Camino.
These are the core beliefs that Oasis Trails is built on:
- God is good; He created us in His image and we are designed to live in relationship with Him.
- Sin separates us from God, breaks our relationship with Him, and takes away the freedom He created us with.
- God pursues us and wants to restore our broken relationship.
- Jesus is the truth, the way, and the life.
Only the finished work of the cross can bring us back into relationship with our Father.
- Faith is a lifestyle, it requires actions.
- We can do everything in Christ; without Him we can do nothing.
- Following Jesus transforms us – we are the light of the world!
- We live by the Spirit, bearing His fruit, using His gifts, and speaking faith language.
- We grow in our relationship with God through prayer, reading the Bible, meditation, and worship.
- We are meant to live in community.
- When we love God with all our heart (Great Commandment) we share the gospel and make disciples (Great Commission)
- We live with an eternal perspective.