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Do you have a desire to know Jesus and make Him known?  As a kingdom family we live life together with this at the core.  We are committed to the work of God in this place and we lock arms with each other as we live out the Great Commandment and Great Commission.  We are looking for volunteers who are ready to enter into community life and follow Jesus together, to grow, learn, serve, share, and be transformed by the love of God.

We currently have two volunteering opportunities:

Albergue volunteer:

Albergue volunteers come to offer practical hospitality and care to pilgrims on the Camino, but even more than that volunteers are kingdom builders.  As a volunteer there are practical responsibilities, such as cleaning, cooking, and hosting pilgrims, but the role of a volunteer goes beyond scheduled shifts at the albergue.  Volunteers come to contribute to and engage in a spiritual community that begins the day with a time of fellowship in the morning (prayer, singing, and learning from the Word) and ends the day with Jesus Meditation at the albergue in the evening.  We share meals together, challenge one another, step out of our comfort zones, hold each other accountable, work as a team, and manifest the love and grace of Jesus in in our daily lives.   We do not limit hospitality to the albergue, we practice hospitality with our lives as we share our time, space, and hearts with each other; seeking His Kingdom first.  In this way volunteering is not simply fulfilling tasks, but is an invitation into a lifestyle.  

Time Commitment:  Minimum of three weeks up to three months (depending on availability).

Cost: 25 euro per week

Here you find the volunteer application.

Great Commission Trainee

Trainees come as albergue volunteers, with the specific intention of being trained and equipped to be disciple-makers and ambassadors of the kingdom wherever God calls them.  The Great Commission Training includes teaching, application, and outreach as the trainees are given opportunities to put into practice what they learn in the teachings. 

In the training we:

  • explore the foundational facts of the simple gospel and what it means for our own faith journey
  • look at how Jesus and his disciples spread the good news of the kingdom, healed the sick, cast out demons, etc
  • learn about the early church and their practices and what it looks like to live in community now
  • practice simple tools on how to share the gospel and our testimonies
  • grow in spiritual leadership as we facilitate Jesus Meditation, leading Bible studies, etc. 

Time Commitment: Minimum of seven weeks up to three months (depending on availability)

Cost: 40 euro per week

***please contact us for more information and possible dates

Here you find the volunteer application.


We often have people who visit our community – friends or family coming to visit us, people who are interested in seeing what we do, and also people who are looking for a sort of spiritual retreat. If you would like to visit we have space for you in our community house. You can join our rhythm of worship and prayer and daily life while you rest and engage with the community.

For more information about our community and what we do you can read this Information Booklet.

If you are interested in visiting us and joining our community for a few days send us an email!


Prayer is foundational to what we do, we are completely dependent upon our Father to do this work. We have seen His faithfulness day after day as we trust Him to work in and through us. We pray together throughout the course of each day, but we also invite others to join us in prayer. Each month Oasis Trails sends out a Newsletter that includes prayer points. If you would like to receive this email update please contact us.


Stichting Oasis Trails
RSIN 806768800 KvK 30146031


Report of 2022

Report of 2023